手机直线: 133 10833 190(微信同号)
手机直线: 133 10833 190(微信同号)
| 全球化的国际物流服务商 - 深圳市易起国际速递有限公司
包裹状态:成功签收 (11 天)
国家:香港 [CN] -> 奥地利
2023-03-03 11:58 VOMP, AT, Delivered
2023-03-03 05:31 Innsbruck, AT, Out For Delivery
2023-03-03 05:30 Innsbruck, AT, Arrived at Facility
2023-03-03 03:34 Nurnberg, DE, Departed from Facility
2023-03-02 23:59 Nurnberg, DE, Arrived at Facility
2023-03-02 20:05 Hoersching, AT, Departed from Facility
2023-03-02 10:15 Vienna, AT, Departed from Facility
2023-03-02 04:33 Vienna, AT, Import Scan
2023-03-02 03:16 Vienna, AT, Warehouse Scan
2023-03-01 17:27 Your package is on the way
2023-03-01 03:30 Vienna, AT, Warehouse Scan
2023-02-28 03:25 Vienna, AT, Warehouse Scan
2023-02-27 09:12 Vienna, AT, Warehouse Scan
2023-02-24 11:50 VOMP, AT, UPS initiated contact with the sender to obtain clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance. / We'll contact the sender or receiver about this delivery.
2023-02-24 11:48 Vienna, AT, A delay has occurred due to late processing by UPS brokerage. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.
2023-02-24 06:21 Vienna, AT, Warehouse Scan
2023-02-24 06:12 Vienna, AT, Import Scan
2023-02-24 05:17 Vienna, AT, Arrived at Facility
2023-02-24 05:07 UPS initiated contact with the sender to obtain clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance.
2023-02-24 04:30 Koeln, DE, Departed from Facility
2023-02-23 23:39 Koeln, DE, Arrived at Facility
2023-02-23 17:22 Chek Lap Kok, HK, Departed from Facility
2023-02-23 10:06 VOMP, AT, UPS initiated contact with the sender to obtain clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance. / We'll contact the sender or receiver about this delivery.
2023-02-23 11:55 Chek Lap Kok, HK, Your package is in transit. We're updating plans to schedule your delivery. / The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.
2023-02-23 11:50 Chek Lap Kok, HK, Your package is in transit. We're updating plans to schedule your delivery.
2023-02-22 12:02 Chek Lap Kok, HK, Origin Scan
2023-02-21 15:32 HK, Shipper created a label, has not received the package yet.
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211, 211, 211); color: rgb(100, 100, 100); margin: 1.4em 0px; padding-left: 1em; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", "PingFang SC", "Microsoft YaHei", "Source Han Sans SC", "Noto Sans CJK SC", "WenQuanYi Micro Hei", sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">目的地:就是说看你发到哪里,什么地方。
© 2019 深圳市易起国际速递有限公司